First Discussion


Feb 23 2024

I am very hopeful for what we can accomplish here at, Serpent Fang Studio. I have started developing a training course for Godot 3.5, currently, this will teach our new members how to develop a 2d top-down game. I hope to continue this to also involve 3d games as well, and have videos following the course to better help teach our new members. I also will be setting up our standards for coding and maintenance. Our current members are @ErikBarker and @AidenSchalk, we should have 3 more members once they accept their inventions. I wish our teams the best of luck have a great day.

New Changes


Feb 26 2024

New Name We have gotten ourselves a name, welcome to Serpent Fang Studios Due to the change of name our current local repos will not work anymore, this will not affect those of you who do not have unsaved changes, but those of you that do, you will need to update your github link. Here is the official documentation to fix this problem here Website With these changes we will be creating a website for us, a place for us to inform our community on new changes and updates at this point in time discutions will be kept in the github, so Q&A's will be here but major changes to our future games will be on our new website in addition to the github.